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Ngā Tohu o Tāwhirimātea

Ngā Tohu o Tāwhirimātea


Ngā Tohu o Tāwhirimātea

Nā Alice Patrick ngā korero, nā Scott Pearson ngā pikitia.

A boy looks at the weather forecast and describes the weather for the coming week.

Ngā Tohu o Tāwhirimātea

He  mihi

The author would like to acknowledge the teachers she has worked with over the years, inspiring her to create these books. Ināianei kua mātātupu. Ka tuku mihi hoki ki te whānau Laison nō Taranaki me te whānau Takotohiwi nō Ngāti Awa, who nurtured her in te ao Māori; ko te tino koha tēnā.
She also acknowledges with fondness her Māori tutors during decades of learning, particularly Hirini Mead, Tamati Kruger, Wiremu Parker, Keri Kaa, and Ruka Broughton. Also her two non-Māori mentors and role models, Mary Boyce and Fran Hunia. All these people have added to her kete. Kua whetūrangitia ētahi engari kāore e warewaretia ō rātou mahi maha ki te akiaki i a ia. Hei whakamutunga, ka tuku mihi ki āna mokopuna me āna tama – te pū o ēnei pukapuka.

Mō te rauemi

Order copies of this book from Down the Back of the Chair (pukapuka iti: MOE69366,pukapuka nui: MOE69766)

Wāhanga Ako: Ngā Reo
Taumata: Taumata 1, Taumata 2
Collection: Te Reo Tupu Series

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