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Ngā Tino Kai


Ngā Tino Kai 

This book features different children from around the world describing the food that is well-known in their country (including the hāngi in Aotearoa New Zealand). 

Ngā Tino Kai

Torohia te pouaka "Mō te rauemi" ki raro nei e kite ai ngā rauemi hāngai.

Mō te rauemi

Tonoa he kape o te pukapuka mai i Down the Back of the Chair

Te pukapuka iti: MOE63986
Te pukapuka nui: MOE63994

Wāhanga Ako: Te Reo Māori (NZC)
Taumata: Tamata 1, Taumata 2
Kohinga: Reo Tupu

Ngā rawa kei tēnei rauemi: