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Winiwini, Wiriwiri


Winiwini, Wiriwiri

He kohinga rotarota e whakaahua ana i ngā āhuatanga e wehi ai, e ngingio ai, e āhua tāokeoke ai te tamaiti i tana wehi, i tana mataku. Tekau mā rua ngā pānui whakaahua rotarota; kotahi te pānui whakaahua matua; he kupu aratohu mā te pouako kei muri i ngā pānui whakaahua tekau mā toru; he kōpae oro.

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Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

Te Reo Māori
ā-Waha: Taumata 1 Pīpī/Kaha/Kaha Ake

Āheinga Reo: Ka tutuki te whānuitanga o ngā āheinga reo i roto i te wairua ngahau me te hiahia ki te whakawhiti whakaaro:

  • ka whai tikanga āna kōrero ahakoa te māmā
  • ka whakapuaki rerenga kōrero māmā
  • ka mārama ia ki ētahi reo ā-waha
  • ka whānui ake ngā whakaaro kia taea ai te whakaahua i te āhua o ētahi mahi, ētahi mea, ētahi āhuatanga rānei.

Puna Reo: Ka tipu haere tonu te puna kupu me ōna āhuatanga katoa:

  • ka whakahua tika i ngā oro tae atu ki ngā kupu
  • ka tika, ka pārekareka te whakahua
  • ka tika te whai i ētahi ture o te reo
  • ka whakapuaki kupu āhua hei whakaniko i ngā kōrero.

Rautaki Reo: Ka whakamahi rautaki reo, ā, ka taea te whakamārama ngā huarahi kua whāia hei whakatutuki i tāna i whakaputa ai, i rongo ai:

  • ka whakarongo, ka paparua, ka pupuri ki te hinengaro, ka pao hei rautaki ako.

Taumata 1 Pīpī/Kaha/Kaha Ake

Rautaki Reo:

  • ka tautohu kaupapa mō ngā tuhinga
  • ka mārama e ahu pēhea ana te tuhituhi.

Koinei ētahi ngā āhuatanga reo o te reo rotarota kua tautohua hei aronga mā tēnā, mā tēnā kaitito. Ehara i te mea me whai wāhi tētahi tauira o ēnei āhuatanga katoa i te titonga kotahi. Ko tā te kaitito he āta whakaaro ki ēnei āhuatanga reo i a ia e tito ana, ki te hunga pānui, ki te hunga whakarongo hoki i ngā kupu e karawhiua ana i te rotarota. Ko tā ēnei āhuatanga reo he kawe i ngā whakaaro o te kaitito.

Ngā Āhuatanga Reo

Hei whakamahukitanga

Explanation of term





Ko tā te huahuatau he whakataurite i ngā kaupapa e rua. Mā tēnei whakatauritenga ka whakairohia he whakaahua ki te hinengaro o te kaipānui, o te kaiwhakarongo.

A comparison of two very different things that creates a picture in the mind of the reader/listener.





He ōrite, he āhua rite rānei te tangi o ngā oro whakamutunga o ngā kupu huarite.

The end sounds of rhyming words are the same or similar.




Formulaic saying


He huinga kupu e kawe ana i tētahi whakaaro, e noho ana hei wāhanga motuhake o te rerenga kōrero.

A group of words that illustrate a thought and are a ‘standout’ part of the sentence.



Ko tā te kīwaha he whakamārama i tētahi āhuatanga kē. He momo kōrero hei whakanui, hei whakaiti rānei, hei kīnaki hoki mō ngā kōrero kua kōrerotia kētia.

An idiom or colloquial expression commonly used and understood that mean something different from what it says. Kīwaha are used to either enhance or reduce the

effect of what has already been said.

Kupu āhua (tūāhua)




Ko tā te kupu āhua he tohu i te āhua o tētahi mea.
A word that describes something.

Kupu hanga

Invented word

Ko tā te kupu hanga i te nuinga o te wā he kupu Pākehā kua whakamāoritia engari ko tōna rongo Pākehā kei te rangona tonutia. Ehara i te mea he kupu Māori tūturu

ēnei, kei te whakamahia i te tikanga o te kupu me he tūturu. Ko te oro kē te aronga.

Most often in this context an invented word is a transliteration of a word in to Māori that maintains its sound in the source language. These words may not exist in Māori or if they do it’s not necessarily being used for it’s true meaning, more that it has been chosen for the correlation of sound and impact.

Kupu mahi (tūmahi)




Ko tā te kupu mahi he tohu i tētahi mahi. A word that describes an action.

Kupu tāruarua

Reduplicated word

Kua tāruatia tētahi wāhanga o te kupu. Ko ētahi o ngā āheinga o te kupu tāruarua, kia mōhiotia he takitini ngā mea e whakaahuatia ana, kua tāruaruatia rānei tētahi mahi.

A part of the word is duplicated. This can show that there are many things being described or that an action is repeated a number of times.

Kupu whakarite

Figurative reference

Ko tā te kupu whakarite he whakataurite i tētahi āhuatanga o te tangata ki tētahi āhuatanga o tētahi atu tangata, o tētahi mea, o tētahi kararehe, o tētahi āhuatanga rānei o te taiao.

The purpose of a figurative reference is to liken a person or an aspect or feature of that person to another person, thing, animal or a feature of the environment.

Orokati tārua


Ko te tāruarua i ngā orokati ōrite i ngā kupu e noho tata ana i tētahi kīanga, rārangi kōrero rānei.

The repetition of consonant sounds in a phrase or line.

Oropuare tārua




Ko te tāruarua i ngā oropuare ōrite, i ngā oropuare āhua rite rānei, i ngā kupu e noho tata ana i tētahi kīanga, rārangi kōrero rānei.

The repetition of similar vowel sounds in a phrase or line.






E rite ana te tangi o te kupu me tōna tikanga.
The sound the word makes when read/said is the same as the meaning of the word; the ‘sound of sound’.


Reo whakaahua

Descriptive language

Mā te reo whakaahua, arā, mā te āta whiriwhiri i ngā kupu hei whakaahua atu ki te kaipānui, te kaiwhakarongo rānei i tētahi wāhi, i tētahi āhuatanga rānei e mōhio ai te tangata ki te tino āhua o taua mea. Ka whakamahia kia wana ake te kōrero, kia ū te aronga o te kaipānui, o te kaiwhakarongo rānei ki ngā kōrero kei te haere.

The careful choice of words to describe a place or characteristic in order to encourage the reader/listener to form images of such things in their mind. These words are used for effect and to hold the attention of the reader/listener.

Reo whakaputa

Productive language

Ko tā te reo whakaputa he whakaputa i ngā oro o ētahi āhuatanga e kore pea e mārama i te pānui noa iho. Mā te āta whakahua, me te āta tuku e mōhio ai te kaipānui, te kaiwhakarongo rānei ki te ngako o te kupu i te horopaki e whakamahia ana.

The use of productive language to enunciate sounds through the use of words. Sounds that assist with understanding. Theses are not always words that exist in the language, it is more that they are sounds recognisable in language and help the audience to understand them in the context in which they are used.


Repetition of words or phrases

Ko te tārua i ētahi kupu kia reka ai te rongo ki te taringa ina pānui ā-wahatia.

The repetition of words and phrases, pleasing to the ear when read aloud.


Triplication of a phrase


Ka whakatakotoria ngā huānga e toru hei whakakaha ake i te kaupapa.

Three elements set down to emphasise the importance of the content.



Ko tā te whakatangata he hoatu i tētahi āhua o te tangata ki tētahi mea.

Giving human characteristics to an object or thing that is not human.

Ui makihoi

Rhetorical question

He momo pātai hei tohe i tētahi kaupapa. Kāore e tuhia he whakautu ki tētahi ui makihoi. Kei te wairua o te whiu e mōhio ai te tangata he ui makihoi kei te rere. Questions that are posed in order to direct the attention of the listener/reader to an important point. There is no expectation that the question will evoke a response rather that the response is entwined in the question itself.


E ata mai ana i ngā rotarota ētahi kīanga Māori taketake ake nei me ētahi kīanga taiohi o nāianei rā anō hoki. He mea hāpai ēnei i te whanaketanga o te reo ōpaki me te reo ōkawa ā-waha, ā-tā anō hoki, o ngā ākonga i ōna taiao ako huhua. Kua rārangihia ki raro iho nei ētahi kīanga hei whakamahi mā te kaitito i a ia e tuhituhi rotarota ana.


Hei whakamahukitanga

Hei tauira

He mea … e (rerehāngū)

He mea … e (rerehāngū)

He mea … e (rerehāngū)

He kīanga hāngū ka tukuna hei whakaahuatanga o tētahi mahi kua oti

He kīanga hāngū ka tukuna hei whakaahuatanga o tētahi mahi kua oti

He kīanga hāngū ka tukuna hei whakaahuatanga o tētahi mahi kua oti

kē te mahi, o tētahi āhuatanga kua oti kē te pā atu (rerenga wā mua).

kē te mahi, o tētahi āhuatanga kua oti kē te pā atu (rerenga wā mua).

kē te mahi, o tētahi āhuatanga kua oti kē te pā atu (rerenga wā mua).

A pseudo passive sentence used to describe an action that has been

A pseudo passive sentence used to describe an action that has been

A pseudo passive sentence used to describe an action that has been

completed or a result of an action (past tense).

completed or a result of an action (past tense).

completed or a result of an action (past tense).

He mea whakaweti e ōna tuāhine.

He mea whakaweti e ōna tuāhine.

He mea whakaweti e ōna tuāhine.

Bullied ruthlessly by his older sisters.

Bullied ruthlessly by his older sisters.

Bullied ruthlessly by his older sisters.

Ko … tōna rite (rere

Ko … tōna rite (rere

Ko … tōna rite (rere




He kīanga whakarite ka tukuna hei whakarite i tētahi tangata ki

He kīanga whakarite ka tukuna hei whakarite i tētahi tangata ki

He kīanga whakarite ka tukuna hei whakarite i tētahi tangata ki

tētahi atu tangata i runga i ōna pūkenga, i āna whanonga, i tōna

tētahi atu tangata i runga i ōna pūkenga, i āna whanonga, i tōna

tētahi atu tangata i runga i ōna pūkenga, i āna whanonga, i tōna

āhua hoki.

āhua hoki.

āhua hoki.

A figurative saying likening one person to another because of the

A figurative saying likening one person to another because of the

A figurative saying likening one person to another because of the

similarities in their skills, their behaviours and their physical traits.

similarities in their skills, their behaviours and their physical traits.

similarities in their skills, their behaviours and their physical traits.

Ko Māui tōna rite.

Ko Māui tōna rite.

Ko Māui tōna rite.

He’s just like Māui.

He’s just like Māui.

He’s just like Māui.

… atu, … mai E tohu ana tēnei kīanga i te rite tonu o te putanga o tētahi āhuatanga.

… atu, … mai E tohu ana tēnei kīanga i te rite tonu o te putanga o tētahi āhuatanga.

… atu, … mai E tohu ana tēnei kīanga i te rite tonu o te putanga o tētahi āhuatanga.

This phrase depicts the frequency in which an action occurs or is repeated.

This phrase depicts the frequency in which an action occurs or is repeated.

This phrase depicts the frequency in which an action occurs or is repeated.

He mea kōwhiri ēnei kīwaha e rārangi mai nei e ngā kaitito hei hāpai i te wairua o ngā titonga. Ko ētahi kua roa e whakamahia ana ka mutu kua horapa pēnei i, ‘Ākuni koe i au’. Ko ētahi atu he kīwaha nō nāianei whakatipuranga. E noho kīrehu tonu ana ētahi i ētahi taiao ako heoi anō i te taiao o ā tātou taiohi kei te rērere haere, ā, kāore e roa ka horapa. Kua āpitihia hoki ētahi atu anō hei whakamahi mā koutou.

Me he tē!

Like a Boss!

Ka kukume tarau ka kitea ngā tou

Me he tē! E nge!


E nge!



That’ll teach you! Serves you right!

Ka kukume tarau ka kitea ngā tou

Me he tē! E nge!

E mara!

E hoa!


E mara! Ehara!



I doubt it! Not likely!

E mara! Ehara!

Tūwhitia te hopo

Feel the fear and do it anyway

Ahakoa te horokukū

Tūwhitia te hopo

Ākuni koe i a au!

Ākene koe i ahau

You’re going to get it!

You wait ‘til I get my hands on you!


Ākuni koe i a au! Ko koe kei raro!”

Rere ana te mataku

Ākene koe i ahau

Ka kainga koe kia pau


Ko koe kei raro!

You’re mine!

“Ākuni koe i a au! Ko koe kei raro!

Rere ana te mataku



Kua hoki au ki te kāinga! Ana!


He kai hopi koe!

You won’t get away!

“Ākuni koe i a au! He kai hopi koe!

Pararē ana te haere

Ka mahue tō/te...

You would’ve been better off…

You could’ve said something...

Ka mahue te moe i te wā tika


Mō te rauemi

Taumata: Taumata 1
Wāhanga Ako: Te Reo Māori

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