Whakawhiti 21
Nā Hōne Apanui ngā kōrero, nā Andrew Burdan ngā pikitia
Ko te tino kaupapa o te pūrākau nei ko te ngaki i te kōhurutanga o Poroumātā. He mokopuna a Poroumātā nā Porourangi. Ka wawatatia e Te Ataakura he tamaiti hei ngaki i te kōhurutanga o tana pāpā. Nāwai rā ka whānau mai a Tūwhakairiora nāna nei te kōhurunga i ngaki. He kōrero tēnei nō te kohinga o Wharekura.
Order copies of this book from Down the Back of the Chair (MOE31636), or you may be able to find this in the resource room in your kura.
See the “About this resource” box below to download resources:
- Tūwhakairiora (.pdf)
Mō te rauemi
Order copies of this book from Down the Back of the Chair (MOE31636), or you may be able to find this in the resource room in your kura.
Taumata: Taumata 4, Taumata 5
Kaupapa: Rārangi Pukapuka
Kohinga: Whakawhiti