E hāngai ana te huinga pukapuka Pūao nei mō ngā kaupapa taiao e rima:
1) ngā manu māori nō Aotearoa;
2) ngā ngāngara māori nō Aotearoa;
3) ngā rākau māori nō Aotearoa;
4) ngā momo koiora noho wahapū i Aotearoa nei
5) ngā momo koiora noho wai māori i Aotearoa nei
He pukapuka aratohu mā te kaiako tō ia kaupapa, ā he pukapuka ākonga hoki. E rima ngā pukapuka kaiako, e toru tekau mā rua ngā pukapuka ākonga o te huinga nei. He whakapapa, he kōrero tuku iho, he whakaahua, he pikitia hoki me ngā mahi mā ngā ākonga. Ko ngā rauemi Pūao, e tautoko ana i ngā Wāhanga Ako Pūtaiao me te Reo Māori.
Ngā kohinga o Pūao
- Ngā Manu
- Ngā Rākau
- Ngā Ngāngara
- Wahapū
- Wai Māori
Ngā Manu
Ko te korimako te kaupapa o te pukapuka nei, he pūrauiti nō te tōpū Pūao. He pukapuka mā te ākonga, kia āta mōhio, kia āta mārama ia ki ngā āhuatanga, te kāinga, te whanonga me ētahi kōrero tuku iho hoki e pā ana ki te manu nei.
1 of 8Te Kāhu
This ākonga book describes the physical characteristics, habitat, and behaviour of the Kāhu, Australasian harrier.
2 of 8Te Kākā
This ākonga book describes the physical characteristics, habitat, and behaviour of the kākā, forest parrot.
3 of 8Te Kererū - Pūao
This ākonga book describes the physical characteristics, habitat, and behaviour of the Kererū, New Zealand Pigeon.
4 of 8Te Pūkeko - Pūao
This ākonga book describes the physical characteristics, habitat, and behaviour of the Pūkeko, Australasian Swamphen.
5 of 8Te Rūrū - Pūao
This ākonga book describes the physical characteristics, habitat, and behaviour of the Rūrū, Morepork.
6 of 8Te Tīrairaka
This ākonga book describes the physical characteristics, habitat, and behaviour of the Tīrairaka, New Zealand Fantail.
7 of 8Te Tūī - Pūao
This ākonga book describes the physical characteristics, habitat, and behaviour of the Tūī.
8 of 8
About this resource
Taumata: Taumata 2, Taumata 3
Wahanga Ako: Pūtaiao, Te Reo Māori