Ko te Wā Kaukau mō Pēpi
Ko te Wā Kaukau mō Pēpi
Ngā Kete Kōrero - KKe
Nā Hopa Keelan ngā kōrero, nā David Hamilton ngā pikitia.
Share the joy of baby's bath-time routine for Mum and Dad.
Order copies of this book from Down the Back of the Chair (MOE63380), or you may be able to find this in the resource room in your kura.
See the “About this resource” box below to download resources.
About this resource
Order copies of this book from Down the Back of the Chair (MOE63380), or you may be able to find this in the resource room in your kura.
Taumata whakaako: KKe
Taumata TMoA: Taumata 1, He Pakari 2
Kohinga: Ngā Kete Kōrero
Kaupapa ako: Te whakaaro whakamua. Ngā mahi a te whānau.
Puna reo: The text is rhythmic. Repeated structure: Ko te wā ______ mō pēpi e.
Ngā kupu: 131
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