Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā
Here you can access information, guidance and instruction on the Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā programme that sits within Te Ara Tohu (Te Whakaako i te Pānui, Tuhituhi me te Kōrero as a Structured Literacy Approach) and where to access PLD support.
Te Ara Tohu: Te Whakaako i te Pānui, Tuhituhi me te Kōrero is a Structured Literacy Approach developed for te reo Māori settings. Te Ara Tohu blends the characteristics of an approach and a programme.
Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā is the programme that sits within Te Ara Tohu.
It includes an extensive set of ready to use classroom resources that contribute to the teaching of pānui, tuhituhi and kōrero, as well as appropriate aromatawai tools and assessments that facilitate the on-going monitoring of mokopuna progress.
Content for Tūārere 1 Years (0 - 3) is available now with Tūārere 2 (years 4 - 6) and Tūārere 3 (years 7 and 8) in 2025.
Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā
Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā relates specifically to learning to read and write in te reo Māori and focuses on scope (what needs to be taught), sequence (the order in which the scope should be taught), and pace (when the scope should be taught). It is a component of Te Reo Matatini specifically related to learning to read and write in te reo Māori.
Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā is a Ministry of Education initiative that has been developed under the leadership of Cath Rau and Hūrae White, who have extensive knowledge and practice in te reo matatini, curriculum development, ako and aromatawai.
Importantly, Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā has been developed to explicitly align with the scope, sequence, and pace outlined in Te Reo Rangatira within the redesigned Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.
It is not a translation nor an adaptation of any existing structured literacy programme developed for the English language. Rangaranga Reo ā-Ta has been developed specifically to support the work of kaiako delivering in and through te reo Māori.
Rangaranga Reo ā Tā is housed on a Google Site which is being made available to kaiako who participate in PLD. The site is keeping pace with resources that are being published on Tāhūrangi from Kauwhata Reo and Te Kete Ipurangi platforms. New and reworked aromatawai tasks that support Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā are being trialled in terms 3 and 4. The tasks will become available on te Ara Tohu when they have undergone a psychometric analysis to ensure they are valid and reliable.
Information on PLD for Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā
The Ministry is funding professional learning and development (PLD) for structured approaches to te reo matatini. This support will be available in Term 3 2024, initially focusing on year 0-3 teachers and becoming available to year 4-6 and year 7-8 teachers during 2025. While PLD providers will administer the approach and programme in an appropriate manner to align with the needs of kaiako the provision must align to the scope, sequence, and pace as described in Tūārere 1 for Te Reo Rangatira. More information, including how to access this PLD can be found here: PLD for structured literacy & te reo matatini approaches – Professional Learning & Development (education.govt.nz)
Hihira Weteoro
Phonics is the relationship between letters and sounds. It is vital in learning to read and write.
The phonics check aligns with aspects in the first three components of Rangaranga reo ā-Tā:
- Te aroā weteoro me te aroā oromotu (phonological and phonemic awareness)
- Te oro arapū ā-tā (alphabetic principle)
- Ngā kūoro me te tautohu kupu (syllables and word recognition)
He pātai āu?
If you have any queries or require support please contact[email protected]
- Huahuatau
- Hihira Weteoro
- Ngā Pātai Auau
Ngā Pātai Auau
Te Ara Tohu
Te Ara Tohu: Te Whakaako i te Pānui, Tuhituhi me te Kōrero is a Structured Literacy Approach developed for te reo Māori settings. Te Ara Tohu blends the characteristics of an approach and a programme.
Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā is the programme aspect that sits within Te Ara Tohu. It is comprised of six elements:
te aroā weteoro me te aroā oromotu - phonological and phonemic awareness
te oro arapū ā-tā - alphabetic principle
ngā kūoro me te tautohu kupu - syllables and word recognition
te mātai wetekupu - morphology
te tātaikupu - syntax
te kawenga tikanga reo - semantics
It includes an extensive set of ready to use classroom resources that contribute to the teaching of pānui, tuhituhi and kōrero, as well as appropriate aromatawai tools and assessments that facilitate the on-going monitoring of mokopuna progress.
Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā is a Ministry of Education initiative that has been developed under the leadership of Cath Rau and Hūrae White, who have extensive knowledge and practice in te reo matatini, curriculum development, ako and aromatawai.
Because all the content and resources were sourced from the Ministry of Education, published materials both hardcopy and online, incur no cost. Te Ara Tohu is therefore NOT a commercial enterprise. The Google Site is a live site where all content is being tested. Once the content has been tested and refined, it will be moved to Tāhūrangi for everyone to access.
The difference is explained in this diagram. The guidance in Te Ara Tohu comprises a blended approach (i.e. The best of both).
Te Ara Tohu is also the name of a website that has been developed to house materials to support te reo Matatini and the rangaranga reo ā tā approach.
The site has teaching and aromatawai content that has been scoped, sequenced and paced to support knowledge, skills and dispositions in Te Reo Rangatira wāhanga ako.
It includes kaiako instructions, mini lessons, links to resources, media clips, samples of ākonga learning and aromatawai inclusive of the phonics check. Additionally, Te Ara Tohu supports kaiako with the one hour a day requirement.
Additional resources will be added in due course because the migration process from where materials are currently housed (including hardcopies) to Tāhūrangi, is still in progress.
The materials in the Google Site have largely been sourced from Ministry of Education resources. Some resources will be added in due course because the migration process from where materials are currently housed (including hardcopies) to Tāhūrangi is still in progress.
The Ministry of Education is keen to understand what additional resources kaiako will require to implement Te Ara Tohu.
The site is keeping pace with resources and content as it becomes available on Tāhūrangi which are still being migrated onto the platform.
New (phonics) and reconstructed aromatawai tasks (he matai mātātupu) that support Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā are being trialled in terms 3 and 4. The tasks will become available on Te Ara Tohu when they have undergone a psychometric analysis to ensure they are valid and reliable.
The Rangaranga Reo ā Tā programme will be distributed by trained and approved providers.
The names and contact details of approved providers will be made available to schools and kura on August 5.
Te Ara Tohu, the site that houses the Rangaranga Reo ā Tā programme was trialled with a focus group of kaiako in Term 2, 2024 and a focus group of PLD facilitators in July 2024 and refined. The Rangaranga Reo ā Tā programme will be made available in Terms 3 and 4, 2024, for kura who register for PLD. Further refinements will be made where required.
It will then be available for all kura and schools to use from the beginning of Term 1, 2025.
Guidance materials, resources and professional development will be available to support implementation.
Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā is a Ministry of Education initiative that has been developed under the leadership of Cath Rau and Hūrae White, who have extensive knowledge and practice in te reo matatini, curriculum development, ako and aromatawai.
It has been developed specifically to support the work of kaiako delivering in and through te reo Māori. It is not a translation, nor an adaptation of any existing structured literacy programme developed for the English language.
Importantly, Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā has been developed with deliberate reference to Te Reo Rangatira Wāhanga Ako in the redesign of Te Marautanga O Aotearoa. Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā is the term for Structured Literacy in te reo Māori. Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā, is a component of Te Reo Matatini specifically related to learning to read and write in Te Reo Māori. In Te Reo Rangatira it is specifically related to the whenu of Kia Tika and Kia Mārama.
These terms have come from the draft Te Reo Rangatira Wāhanga Ako which has been developed to support the revised Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.
The Tohu Ako replace the Āheinga, Puna and Rautaki Reo framework from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.
The detail under each Whenu comes largely from the resource – He ara ako i te reo matatini.
These are located in the Tohu Ako as appropriate and are an important checkpoints for kaiako to pay attention to. Basically, they signal the skills and/or knowledge that ākonga MUST have, otherwise ākonga could experience delays in their learning, achievement and progress.
This reflects the fact that the source material was written in English. As a starting point, any material that ākonga will use will be in te reo Māori but we are also interested in your feedback about what else should appear in te reo on the site. We will develop the materials into te reo Māori as we finalise the content of both the programme and the approach, but it is important that kaiako understand the new concepts they are expected to incorporate into their learning programme.
Six assessment tasks are being trialled in 2024 including a new tool - Te Mōhiohio Oro which assesses phonological and phonemic awareness at 20-weeks. The other tools are reconstructions of tasks from He Mātai Mātātupu including:
- Te Mōhiohio Pūriki (lower letter identification) at 40-weeks
- Te Mōhiohio Arapū (lower and upper case identification) at 55 weeks
- Te Mōhiohio Kupu (word recognition) at 55 weeks
- Te Mōhiohio Tuhi Oro (writing task) at 55 weeks
- Pānui Rerenga Kōrero (modified Pānui Haere at 2 years
All the tasks coincide with the explicit teaching of the three Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā elements for Tūārere 1 (years 0 - 3).
These tasks when finalised will give kaiako information about how ākonga are progressing with Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā.
Once the trial is complete, the developers will work with the Ministry of Education to identify how training for kaiako in these tasks will be managed.
Hard copies can be ordered from Down the Back of the Chair.
Use the MOE number provided with the online version of the resource in Tāhūrangi to identify the resource in Down the Back of the Chair in the Search button. Note that some resources are out of print. Placing a request regardless through Down the Back of the Chair will help the Ministry decide which resources should be prioritised for a reprint. All Ministry resources in Te Ara Tohu have been published on Tāhūrangi.
You are encouraged to participate in training in Te Ara Tohu – Rangaranga Reo ā Tā. The Ministry is funding professional learning and development (PLD) for structured approaches to te reo Matatini using the Rangaranga Reo ā Tā programme within Te Ara Tohu. This support will be available in Term 3 2024, initially focusing on year 0-3 teachers and becoming available to year 4-6 teachers during 2025.
More information, including how to access this PLD can be found here: PLD for structured literacy & te reo matatini approaches – Professional Learning & Development (education.govt.nz)
Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā
Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā is the term for Structured Literacy in te reo Māori. Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā, is a component of Te Reo Matatini specifically related to learning to read and write in Te Reo Māori. It has been developed specifically to support the work of kaiako delivering in and through te reo Māori. It is not a translation, nor an adaptation of any existing structured literacy programme developed for the English language.
Importantly, Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā has been developed with deliberate reference to Te Reo Rangatira Wāhanga Ako in the redesign of Te Marautanga O Aotearoa.
In Te Reo Rangatira it is specifically related to the whenu of Wetewetehia kia tika and Ākona kia mārama.
Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā is a Ministry of Education initiative that has been developed under the leadership of Cath Rau and Hūrae White, who have extensive knowledge and practice in te reo matatini, curriculum development, ako and aromatawai.
Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā has been developed by credible and recognized leaders who have extensive knowledge and practice in te reo matatini, curriculum development, ako and aromatawai.
Parts of the content were trialled by small focus groups of kaiako in June 2024 and te reo Matatini facilitators in July 2024 . Introducing Te Ara Tohu to approved PLD facilitators and kaiako through PLD from August 2024 will enable additional trialling of the site and its content for refinement.
Assessment tasks for Rangaranga Reo ā Tā have been reconstructed from He Mātai Mātātupu.
A psychometrician is working with the writing team (Kia Ata Mai and Te Hua Kawariki) to analyse information from these trials to strengthen and validate the content. This includes some of the assessment tasks such as the 20-week phonic auditory sound discrimination check and a letter-sound check at 40-weeks and a more comprehensive letter-sound, vocabulary recognition and dictation task at 55-weeks. The latter are repackaged from He Mātai Mātātupu. Testing in kura will assist with updating or reconfiguring scoring.
We are seeking feedback from kaiako as end-users about other aspects related to Te Ara Tohu as well. Kura will be able to select Providers/facilitators accredited specifically for this purpose to support them with the content.
Rangaranga Reo ā -Tā draws from cognitive neuroscience (specifically how the brain processes language for kōrero, pānui and tuhituhi), linguistics as it applies to te reo Māori, language acquisition theory and practice, research carried out in classrooms where learning is through te reo Māori and the experience of educators who teach through te reo Māori.
While Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā involves the explicit, systematic, and cumulative teaching of pānui and tuhituhi, the reo matatini within which Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā sits must also explicitly attend to the development of oral language proficiency because the relationship between pānui, tuhituhi and kōrero is one of interdependence.
Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā considers:
- ngā hua whakaako (scope) - what needs to be taught.
- te raupapa whakaako (sequence) - the order in which the elements of Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā need to be taught.
- te wā whakaako (pace) - appropriate timing for teaching the elements of Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā, guided by broader evidence from ākonga learning and engagement that indicates readiness to effectively engage with these elements.
Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā has six components. The first three components have aspects that align with the requirements of a phonics check.
- Te aroā weteoro me te aroā oromotu (phonological and phonemic awareness)
- Te oro arapū ā-tā (alphabetic principle)
- Ngā kūoro me te tautohu kupu (syllables and word recognition)
- Te mātai wetekupu (morphology)
- Te tātaikupu (syntax)
- Te kawenga tikanga reo (semantics)
Assessment tasks for Rangaranga Reo ā Tā have been reconstructed from He Mātai Mātātupu. He Mātai Mātātupu was described in the Review of Current Assessment Aromatawai Tools (November 2023) as ‘the most comprehensive Te Reo Matatini tool for gauging foundational literacy skills’ (p. 11). The full table of assessments is in Appendix 1.
Rangaranga Reo ā-Ta has been developed specifically to support the work of kaiako delivering in and through te reo Māori. It is not a translation nor an adaptation of any existing English language programme.
All teachers will be expected to participate in training. We are beginning with those teaching in Yrs 0-3 and will expand the provision out to Yrs 4-6, and then Yrs 7-8 as the content continues to be developed.
The Ministry is funding professional learning and development (PLD) for structured approaches to te reo Matatini using the Rangaranga Reo ā Tā Programme within Te Ara Tohu.
This support will be available in Term 3 2024, initially focusing on year 0-3 teachers and becoming available to year 4-6 teachers during 2025.
More information, including how to access this PLD can be found here: PLD for structured literacy & te reo matatini approaches – Professional Learning & Development (education.govt.nz)
Kaiako are in the best position to determine the entry points and readiness of late enrolment into rumaki or reo rua programmes. These Ākonga already come with language resources and depending how well those resources are developed, they may not need to be moved through the Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā stages at the same rate as Ākonga who started Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā at 5 years of age.
Six assessment tasks are being trialled in 2024 including a new tool - Te Mōhiohio Oro which assesses phonological and phonemic awareness at 20-weeks. The other tools are reconstructions of tasks from He Mātai Mātātupu including:
- Te Mōhiohio Pūriki (lower letter identification) at 40-weeks
- Te Mōhiohio Arapū (lower and upper case identification) at 55 weeks
- Te Mōhiohio Kupu (word recognition) at 55 weeks
- Te Mōhiohio Tuhi Oro (writing task) at 55 weeks
- Pānui Rerenga Kōrero (modified Pānui Haere at 2 years
All the tasks coincide with the explicit teaching of the three Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā elements for Tūārere 1 (years 0 - 3).
These tasks when finalised will give kaiako information about how ākonga are progressing with Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā.
Once the trial is complete, the developers will work with the Ministry of Education to identify how training for kaiako in these tasks will be managed.
The Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā approach addresses the forgetting curve by spacing out reviews of new information, which reduces the rate of forgetting and improves retention. This structured and cumulative method presents and practises phoneme/grapheme in small chunks that are revisited regularly. By doing so, it builds up mokopuna knowledge, equipping them to write and read a growing range of material.
The Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā programme for years 4-6 and 7-8 will become available in 2025.