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Te Paerangi Kaiako 3

Te Paerangi Kaiako 3


Te Paerangi Kaiako 3

Nau mai ki tō tatou nei whārangi hou mā ngā kaiako, mō ngā kaiako. 

In December 2023, the government introduced changes to ensure all children get a world-leading education, with all primary and intermediate students to be taught an average of one hour a day each of reading, writing and maths. There has also been a deliberate shift towards a focus on structured approaches to te reo matatini evidenced and informed by the science of learning with PLD and resources. 

He Ara Whakaako kia Auaha refers to teaching the basics brilliantly. The diagram identifies the critical levers of influence (the what the how and the how we know) that contribute to mokopuna progress achievement and success.  

<img src="/images/decorative.jpg" alt="" />

The purpose of this material is to provide information, resources, and activities to support Te Ara Whakaako kia Auaha in teacher only day 3.

Tēnā, tūhura, pānui, matapaki, arohaehae i ngā kōrero i te whārangi nei kia hāngai ki tāu hōtaka ako, kōwae ako rānei.

Ka mutu, tēnā whakakīa te uiui pātai i raro iho nei. Mā āu kōrero e āwhina i a mātou kia whāngai tika ki ngā kōrero, ki ngā mōhiotanga ka tautoko i a koe, i tō kura.

This survey is to help the Ministry of Education improve our communication with Kaiako and Kura.  We want to ensure that what we provide for Teacher Only Day is suitable and fit for purpose. Your contribution would be much appreciated.

Please click on this link Te Paerangi Kaiako Evaluation Survey

Te Ara Whakaako kia Auaha

Te Ara Whakaako kia Auaha Policy

These slides support:

Te Ara Whakaako Kia Auaha - te Pānui, Tuhituhi me Pāngarau. (Pānui, tuhituhi me te mahi pāngarau - One hour a day for ākonga Years 0–8).

Read through each slide and discuss:

  • What your kura is already doing
  • What may need to be developed to implement the policy.

Te Ara Whakaako kia Auaha Activities

Ko te pānui, te tuhituhi me te mahi pāngarau – Kotahi hāora i te rā mā ngā ākonga Tau 0–8 

This resource page includes activities that support the information and guides shared that are available here. There are two activities that unpack the contents of a pānui guide and a tuhituhi guide in a series of tasks that include links to videos. 

About this resource

We have updated Tautoko Rā Kaiako to Te Paerangi Kaiako as a dedicated page of information and resources for kaiako during teacher only days and ongoing PLD.

Kaupapa: Te Paerangi Kaiako