Te Ngaengae
Te Ngaengae
Follow the journey of Te Kahui Mounga as they journey to calm Te-Upoko-o-Te-Ika.
The story starts after Te-Ika-a-Maui was formed. Te Kahui Mounga were born and soon after and journeyed to Te-Upoko-o-Te-Ika.
On their journey they stayed at Te Ngaengae a once beautiful lake now known as Naenae in Lower Hutt.
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About this resource
Wāhanga Ako: Te Reo Māori, Tikanga ā-Iwi, Pūtaiao
Taumata: Taumata 1, Taumata 2, Taumata 3, Taumata 4, Taumata 5, Taumata 6
Kaupapa: Te Aho Ngārahu
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