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He kōrero matua mō Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei

He kōrero matua mō Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei


He kōrero matua mō Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei

This is a story about Ngāti Whātua Ōrakei's history. This is the first part of three books that looks at the relationship between iwi and the land between the Waitematā and Manukau harbors, over the last 200 years. Part of Te Aho Ngarahū, a project launched by the Ministry of Education (Māori Medium) to provide New Zealand history with a new approach.


He taki kōrero, he kupu, he atanga kaiwhakamahi kei tēnei KIWA™Book ki ngā reo e whai ake nei:

  • Te Reo Māori
  • Te Reo Pākehā


See Materials that come with this resource to download: He kōrero matua mō Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei - TSM (.pdf)

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He kōrero matua mō Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei


Playstore Image Landscape

This app explores the relationship of Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei with the land between the Waitematā and Manukau Harbours over the past 200 years. It tells the iwi’s story up to the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. The resource is an interactive app with synchronised audio in te reo Māori; English option also integrated. For iOS and Android devices.

He kōrero timatanga

He kōrero tēnei mō te hītori o te iwi o Ngāti Whātua Ōrakei. Ko te wāhanga tuatahi tēnei o ngā pukapuka e toru ka titiro ki te hononga o te iwi me te whenua kakī kei waenganui i ngā whanga o te Waitematā me Manukau, huri noa i ngā tau 200 kua pahure. He wāhanga te tūmahi o Te Aho Ngaruhū, tētahi tūmahi i kōkiritia e Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga (Māori Medium) hei whakarato i ngā hītori o Aotearoa mā tētahi huarahi hou kia hihiri kē ake.     

He aha te rauemi, pēhea te whakamahi

He rauemi pāhekoheko taketake tēnei tautono hei whakamahi i roto i iOS, i ngā papa rorohiko Android, i ngā waea rānei. Ka āhei te tikiake utu-kore mai i te toa tautono o App Store me Google Play mā te pū ‘Te Aho Ngārahu'. Ka mutu ana te tikiake, ka āhei te huaki i te tautono me te torotoro ahakoa kāore he kore hononga ki te ipurangi.
He maha ngā āhuatanga pāhekoheko o te tautono kua waihangatia hei whakapai ake i te whakaurunga, i te māramatanga hoki. Ka āhei te mātakitaki i tētahi ataata mō te āhua ō te whakamahi i te tautono i runga i te pū 'Te Aho Ngārahu'. Ka whakatuwheratia ana te tautono, kei reira tētahi akoranga tauira ka āhei te toro atu mai i ngā ata mōhiohio kei te pae tahua. Kua waihangatia ngā āhuatanga kia ihumanea ai.   

Te aronga akoranga: Te hua ki te kaiako/ ki te ākonga mai i tēnei rauemi

Mā te ākonga

Ka ako ngā tauira i te hītori o te iwi o Ngāti Whātua Ōrakei, ōna tāngata, me ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te rironga o te whenua hei whakatū i te nōhanga o Tāmaki.

Mā te kaiako 

Ka tautokona ngā pouako kia whakahaere akoranga e pā ana ki te hītori o te iwi o Ngāti Whātua Ōrakei, ōna tangata me ngā kōrero e pā ana ki te rironga o te whenua hei whakatū i te papakāinga o Tamaki.

Ko te whakapapa o te pūrākau

He kōrero matua tō Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei nā Taiaha Hawke; Tamsin Hanly (Newton Central School); Ngā Kaumātua o te Marae o Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei; Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust. "Kia rere arorangi te kāhu pōkere ki ngā taumata tiketike." 

About this resource

Google Play Store

App Store

Wāhanga Ako: Tikanga ā-Iwi 

Taumata: Taumata 3, Taumata 4, Taumata 5 

Kaupapa: Te Aho Ngārahu 

Materials that come with this resource: