He Tuhinga Taki
He Tuhinga Taki
He Manu Tuhituhi
This teacher-student book supports writers to recount past experiences or events, in sequence, that have taken place.
See the “About this resource” box below to download the resource:
- He-Tuhinga-Taki.pdf
About this resource
Ko te pūtake, ngā āhuatanga reo me ngā wāhanga o te tuhinga taki. Ko ngā momo tuhinga taki me tētahi ara tuhituhi hoki.
Kohinga: He Manu Tuhituhi
Taumata: Taumata 1, Taumata 2, Taumata 3, Taumata 4, Taumata 5, Taumata 6, Taumata 7, Taumata 8
Wāhanga Ako: Te Reo Māori
Materials that come with this resource: